Source code for diamond.glms.glm

import abc
import logging
import re
import time
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from diamond.solvers.repeated_block_diag import RepeatedBlockDiagonal
from scipy import sparse

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class GLM(object): """ Binary or cumulative logistic regression model with arbitrary crossed random effects and known covariance """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, train_df, priors_df, copy=False, test_df=None): r""" Initialize a diamond model Args: train_df (DataFrame): DataFrame to estimate the model parameters with priors_df (DataFrame): Covariance matrix to use for regularization. Format is | group | var1 | var2 | vcov | where group represents the grouping factor, var1 and var2 specify the row and column of the covariance matrix, and vcov is a scalar for that entry of the covariance matrix. Note that if var2 is NULL, vcov is interpreted as the diagonal element of the covariance matrix for var1 copy (boolean): Make a copy of train_df. If False, new columns will be created and the index will be reset. test_df (DataFrame): This is used to make predictions. Returns: Object (GLM) """ self.solver = None # solver will be set by child classes self.train_df = train_df.copy(deep=True) if copy else train_df self.test_df = test_df self.priors_df = priors_df self.variances = None # set by self.parse_formula self.response = None self.main_effects = [] self.groupings = defaultdict(lambda: []) self.grouping_factors = [] self.group_levels = {} self.num_levels = {} self.total_num_interactions = 0 self.num_main = 0 # set by self.create_penalty_matrix self.sparse_inv_covs = {} self.fit_order = [] # set by self.create_design_matrix self.level_maps = {} self.main_map = None self.inter_maps = {} self.main_design = None self.grouping_designs = {} # set by self.fit_kwargs = None self.effects = {} self.results = None self.results_dict = {} self.start_time = None self.obj_fun = None
[docs] def initialize(self, formula, **kwargs): r""" Get ready to fit the model by parsing the formula, checking priors, and creating design, penalty, and Hessian matrices Args: formula (string): R-style formula expressing the model to fit. eg. :math:`y \sim 1 + x + (1 + x | group)` Keyword Args: kwargs: additional arguments to pass to fit method """ self.fit_kwargs = kwargs self.start_time = time.time() self._parse_formula(formula) self._check_priors_df() self._create_design_matrix() self._create_response_matrix() self._create_penalty_matrix() self._create_hessians()
@abc.abstractmethod def _create_response_matrix(self): """ Must be implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def _create_hessians(self): """ Must be implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def fit(self, formula, **kwargs): """ Must be implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError
@abc.abstractmethod def _create_output_dict(self): """ Must be implemented by subclasses """ raise NotImplementedError def _check_priors_df(self): """Run simple validations on priors data frame This method runs a number of sanity checks on the priors data frame: - ensure that the expected columns are present - ensure that all rows in priors_df are consistent with the formula - ensure that all random effect variables at least have a variance Args: None Returns: None """ _groupings = {g: f + [np.nan] for g, f in self.groupings.iteritems()} allowed_covs = { g: [[v, w] for i, v in enumerate(f) for j, w in enumerate(f) if j > i and not isinstance(v, float)] for g, f in _groupings.iteritems() } required_covs = { g: [[v, np.nan] for i, v in enumerate(f) if not isinstance(v, float)] for g, f in _groupings.iteritems() } example_priors_data = { "group": [g for g, f in allowed_covs.iteritems() for _ in f], "var1": [j[0] for _, f in allowed_covs.iteritems() for j in f], "var2": [j[1] for _, f in allowed_covs.iteritems() for j in f], "vcov": [0.1 for _, f in allowed_covs.iteritems() for _ in f] } example_priors_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(example_priors_data) expected_cols = set(["group", "var1", "var2", "vcov"]) actual_cols = set(self.priors_df.columns) if len(expected_cols - actual_cols) != 0: raise AssertionError(""" priors_df is expected to have the following columns: | group | var1 | var2 | vcov | """) # check that all rows in self.priors_df are valid for row in self.priors_df.iterrows(): group = row[1].group var1 = row[1].var1 var2 = row[1].var2 # we need to standardize nan values if str(var2) in ['nan', 'None', 'null']: var2 = np.nan var_pair = [var1, var2] num_matches = sum([np.array_equal(var_pair, p) for p in allowed_covs[group]]) if num_matches != 1: raise AssertionError("""There is a row in your priors_df which is not expected. Unexpected row: {} A valid priors_df looks something like: {} """.format([group] + var_pair, example_priors_df)) try: required_covs[group].remove(var_pair) except ValueError: # thrown when var_pair not in required_covs[group] pass # loop through the required_covs and make sure none are remaining remaining_required_covs = sum([len(f) for _, f in required_covs.iteritems()]) if remaining_required_covs > 0: raise AssertionError("""Priors_df is missing some required rows. If you want an unregularized random effect, include it as a fixed effect instead. The missing rows are: {} """.format(required_covs)) @staticmethod def _check_formula(formula): """ Check that the formula contains all necessary ingredients, such as a response and at least one group Args: formula (string): R-style formula expressing the model to fit. eg. "y ~ 1 + x + (1 + x | group)" Returns: None """ valid_formula_str = """ A valid formula looks like: response ~ 1 + feature1 + feature2 + ... + (1 + feature1 + feature2 + ... | doctor_id) """ if "~" not in formula: raise AssertionError("Formula missing '~'. You need a response. {}".format(valid_formula_str)) if "|" not in formula: raise AssertionError("Formula missing '|'. You need at least 1 group. {}".format(valid_formula_str)) def _parse_formula(self, formula): """ Args: formula (string): R-style formula expressing the model to fit. eg. "y ~ 1 + x + (1 + x | group)" Returns: None """ # strip all newlines, tabs, and spaces formula = re.sub(r'[\n\t ]', '', formula) # split the response from the formula terms self.response = formula.split("~")[0] terms = formula.split("~")[1:][0] interactions = re.findall(r'\(([A-Za-z0-9_|\+]+)\)', terms) # parse the interactions. these are terms like (1|doctor_id) for i in interactions: # remove interactions from terms list terms = terms.replace("(%s)" % i, "") i_terms = i.split('|')[0] i_group = i.split('|')[1:][0] for i_term in i_terms.split("+"): if i_term == "1": self.groupings[i_group].append("intercept") elif i_term != '': self.groupings[i_group].append(i_term) self.group_levels[i_group] = self.train_df[i_group].unique() self.grouping_factors.append(i_group) for g in self.grouping_factors: self.num_levels[g] = self.train_df[g].nunique() self.total_num_interactions += self.num_levels[g] # parse the main terms for m in terms.split("+"): if m == "1": self.main_effects.append("intercept") elif m != '': self.main_effects.append(m) self.num_main = len(self.main_effects) def _create_penalty_matrix(self): """ Take the provided covariance matrices and transform it into an L2 penalty matrix Args: None Returns: None """ self.variances = self.priors_df self.variances.ix[self.variances['var1'] == '(Intercept)', 'var1'] = 'intercept'"creating covariance matrix") # if "group" is a column in the variances, rename it to "grp" self.variances.rename(columns={'grp': 'group'}, inplace=True) inv_covs = {} for g in self.groupings.keys(): n = len(self.groupings[g]) cov_mat = np.zeros((n, n)) var_grp = self.variances[ == g] if len(var_grp) > 0: # if no priors, then leave cov_mat as zeros for row in var_grp[['var1', 'var2', 'vcov']].iterrows(): if str(row[1]['var2']) in ['nan', 'None', 'null']: i = self.groupings[g].index(row[1]['var1']) cov_mat[i, i] = row[1]['vcov'] else: i = self.groupings[g].index(row[1]['var1']) j = self.groupings[g].index(row[1]['var2']) cov_mat[i, j] = row[1]['vcov'] cov_mat[j, i] = row[1]['vcov'] inv_covs[g] = np.linalg.inv(cov_mat) self.sparse_inv_covs[g] = RepeatedBlockDiagonal(inv_covs[g], self.num_levels[g]) self.sparse_inv_covs['main'] = None def _create_main_design(self, **kwargs): r""" Create design matrix for main effects Keyword Args: * *df* (``DataFrame``). specify a new dataframe to create design matrix from Returns: array_like: design matrix in sparse CSR format """ df = kwargs.get('df', self.train_df) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df['row_index'] = df.index df['intercept'] = 1.0 # assume intercept is always included # although having this extra column doesn't hurt if intercept is not included id_cols = ['row_index'] melted_df = pd.melt(df[id_cols + self.main_effects], id_cols) melted_df = melted_df.merge(self.main_map, on='variable') melted_df['col_index'] = melted_df['main_idx'] row = melted_df.row_index col = melted_df.col_index data = melted_df.value return sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(max(row) + 1, max(col) + 1)).tocsr() def _create_inter_design(self, g, **kwargs): r""" Create random effects design matrix for grouping factor g This is straightforward when you create the matrix using the training DataFrame But a new DataFrame can have new levels of g which did not exist in training DF For these levels, the random coefficients are set to zero But as a practical matter, it's easier to zero out the values of the predictors here than it is to modify the fitted coefficient vector Args: g (string): grouping factor to create design matrix Keyword Args: * *df* (``DataFrame``). specify a new dataframe to create design matrix from Returns: array_like : design matrix in sparse CSR format """ idx = g + '_idx' df = kwargs.get('df', self.train_df) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) df['row_index'] = df.index if 'intercept' in self.groupings[g]: df['intercept'] = 1.0 id_cols = [g, 'row_index'] melted_inter = pd.melt(df[id_cols + self.groupings[g]], id_cols).merge( self.level_maps[g], how='left', on=g).merge( # level_maps has levels of g and an index for each level self.inter_maps[g], how='inner', on='variable') # inter_maps has variables in formula for this grouping factor, plus indexes # because of the above left join, some idx values are NULL # but we need to keep the row indexes nrows = max(melted_inter.row_index) + 1L # now drop the null column index melted_inter.dropna(inplace=True) melted_inter.sort_values(by=[g, idx], inplace=True) melted_inter['col_index'] = melted_inter[idx] * len(self.groupings[g]) + melted_inter['inter_idx'] row = melted_inter.row_index col = melted_inter.col_index data = melted_inter.value if g in self.grouping_designs.keys(): # this means training matrix was already created for this group # reuse the same shape: indices are lined up, everything else will be 0 b/c of sparse matrix ncols = self.grouping_designs[g].shape[1] else: ncols = max(col) + 1L return sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(nrows, ncols)).tocsr() def _create_design_matrix(self): """ Create row index and dummy intercept column Args: None Returns: None """ self.train_df['row_index'] = self.train_df.index # Create some dataframes to help with indexing for g in self.groupings.keys(): idx = g + '_idx' self.level_maps[g] = pd.DataFrame({g: np.unique(self.train_df[g]), idx: np.arange(self.num_levels[g])}) self.inter_maps[g] = pd.DataFrame({'variable': self.groupings[g], 'inter_idx': np.arange(len(self.groupings[g]))}) self.main_map = pd.DataFrame({'variable': self.main_effects, 'main_idx': np.arange(len(self.main_effects))})"creating main design matrix") # Compute indices (row_index, col_index) into sparse design matrix self.main_design = self._create_main_design() for g in self.groupings.keys():"creating %s design matrix", g) self.grouping_designs[g] = self._create_inter_design(g) self.grouping_designs['main'] = self.main_design def _create_output_dict_inter(self): """ Format the estimated coefficients into a nice dictionary Args: None Returns: None """ groupings_coefs = {} for g in self.groupings.keys(): coefs = pd.DataFrame({'inter_value': self.effects[g]}) idx = g + '_idx' coefs[idx] = np.arange(len(coefs)) / len(self.groupings[g]) coefs['inter_idx'] = np.mod(np.arange(len(coefs)), len(self.groupings[g])) coefs = coefs.merge(self.inter_maps[g], on='inter_idx').merge(self.level_maps[g], on=idx) groupings_coefs[g] = coefs # make the individual entries in self.results_dict _df = coefs.pivot(index=g, columns='variable', values='inter_value').reset_index() del = None self.results_dict[g] = _df
[docs] def predict(self, new_df): r""" Obtain predictions from a fitted diamond object. New levels of grouping factors are given fixed effects, with zero random effects Args: new_df (DataFrame): data to make predictions on Returns: array_like: predictions, whose length is equal to the \ number of rows of the supplied DataFrame """ if self.num_main > 0: X = self._create_main_design(df=new_df) predictions =['main']) else: predictions = np.zeros(len(new_df.index)) for g in self.groupings.keys(): Z = self._create_inter_design(g, df=new_df) predictions +=[g]) return predictions