Manage in-app release notes for your Rails application using Markdown
Open Source software is a huge part of our success. These projects are our small contribution back.
Manage in-app release notes for your Rails application using Markdown
Create struct-like classes that don't have setters, but have an awesome constructor.
Calculations around the National Retail Federation's 4-5-4 calendar
Interact with RabbitMQ to transmit and receive messages in an easy low-configuration way.
Better resque-web that can monitor multiple Resque's in one place
Handy methods, classes, and test support for applications that use Resque
Rails Engine and supporting classes for easily exposing a RESTful API
Using Word2Vec on lists and sets
Sparse Beta-Divergence Tensor Factorization Library
Python helpers for building dashboards using Flask and React
S3 backed ContentsManager for jupyter notebooks
A Python library for dealing with splittable files
Collection of React components for dashboards
Algorithm's team Jupyter Notebooks
Tools for using a variational auto-encoder for latent image encoding and generation.
Source for opensource.stitchfix.com